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Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy Page 56
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drug smuggling and, 65
economic role, 210–11
Iran and, 303, 304, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314
Kenya and, 331
Kosovo and, 138
Kuwait and, 261
Nasser and, 95
psychological warfare section, 298
Qadafi and, 97, 98
Sukarno and, 95
Vietnam and, 104–5
Yemen and, 281
Middle East human rights abuses and, 254
military spending, 85–6, 183, 433, 437
military training, 37, 196, 205–6, 256, 437
mini-nukes, 87
National Audit Office, 262
Northern Irish assassinations and, 99
nuclear exports, 34
nuclear weapons, 86–8, 432–3, 437
oil and, 16
oil companies, 234
as outlaw state, 1, 7–8, 14
Overseas Territory Bill, 427
parliament, 288–92
poverty and, 366–7, 368
power centralisation, 290–1, 292
power projection capability, 13, 83
propaganda role, 22, 113–14
public as threat, 18
repressive regimes and, 101, 244, 249, 257, 276, 280, 303, 308, 362, 366, 371, 388, 435
secrecy in, 298–300, 301
select committee system, 288–9
services, export of, 226–7
as single-ideology totalitarian state, 285–300, 437
Strategic Defence Review (SDR), 83, 84, 87
Terrorism Act, 2000, 89
terrorism and, 81–2, 84, 85, 89, 94
terrorist scares, 20, 77
torture, 280–1
UN and, 8, 10–11
military cooperation and, 110, 113
special relationship, 101–19, 436
support for, 381
as US client state, 112
US terrorism and, 95
Vietnam War, 104–7
water companies, 227, 228, 252
world role, 1–2, 5, 437
see also Conservative Party; House of Commons; Labour Party for relations with other countries see under names of countries concerned
United Nations:
Charter, 10
Commission on Human Rights, 167, 169
Declaration of Human Rights, 431
Development Programme, 221, 240, 242
Iraq and, 10, 11, 27, 29
Security Council, Resolutions, 10, 11, 27, 57
Sub-commission on Human Rights, 171, 221
United Nations High Commission for Refugees, 54
United States of America:
arms exports, 395–7
CIA, 61, 64, 94, 96, 262, 304, 310, 311, 313, 353–4, 396
global economy and, 118
as global policeman, 117–18
Iraq, war against, 12
Islam and, 90–1, 92
Israel and, 11
military spending, 85
mini-nukes, 86
National Security Strategy, 79
nuclear weapons, 86–7
oil and, 16–17
oil companies, 72
as outlaw state, 111, 436
power projection capability, 13
repressive regimes, 88–9, 116
School of the Americas, 93
terrorism and, 76–81, 82
terrorist attacks, 2001, 15, 48, 49, 57, 58, 66–7, 68, 77, 168, 223–4, 255
UK, special relationship, 101–19
World Trade Center, 61, 98, 224
Unocal, 71
Urban, Mark, 262
Uzbekistan, 80, 89
Vaz, Keith, 73, 153, 163, 164
Veblen, Thorstein, 77–8
Venezuela, 239
Vershbow, Alexander, 153
Vickers, 184, 189
Vietnam War, 95, 104–7:
Malayan war and, 334, 342
bombing, 106, 107
defoliants, 106, 342
mass murder, 118
napalm, 106
‘strategic hamlet’ programme, 106, 334
Vinnell corporation, 261
Wahid, President, 197
Waldegrave, William, ix, 35, 37, 424
Walker, Martin, 117
Wall Street Journal, 77, 113
Walls, Peter, 339
war against terrorism:
Afghanistan and, 47
domestic dissent and, 88–92
economic globalisation and, 243
explaining, 75–100
intervention and, 76, 80–8, 90, 433, 434
oil and, 80
repressive regimes and, 249, 435
US use of, 91
as war of terrorism, 93
Washington Post, 45, 138–9
Wasserman, Gary, 331–32
weapons of mass destruction:
incitement to acquire, xv, 155
see also nuclear weapons
Weeler, Colonel, 308
Wei Jingsheng, 200
West Papua, 193, 196–7, 204, 413
West Timor, 412
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey, 118
Wilson, Brian, 30, 226
Wilson, Harold, 104, 106, 279, 286, 287, 387, 389, 416, 422, 425
Wiranto, Admiral, 410
Woollacott, Martin, 57, 117
Woolsey, James, 17
World Bank, 108, 212, 216, 222, 224:
civil society and, 247–8
debt relief and, 231
Indonesia and, 401
Kenya and, 331
structural adjustment programmes, 221, 223
World Court, 108
World Economic Forum, 246
World Trade Organisation (WTO), 91, 115, 200, 210, 219:
agreements, 236–7, 240
GATS, 213, 226–7
globalisation and, 236–7
investment and, 226
rules of, 239, 241, 438
TNCs and, 219
TRIPS, 213, 241, 242
Wright, Peter, 299
Yastrzhembsky, Sergei, 173
Yeltsin, President Boris, 162
Yemen, 81, 236
Young, George, 283, 292, 314
Young, Hugo, 151, 370
Younger, Kenneth, 95
bombing of, 21, 27, 51, 93, 134, 150, 381, 382:
Serbian Radio and Television building, 53, 143–4
as war crime, 7, 152
National Assembly, 148
NGOs’ peace plea, 145–6
war crimes, 7, 152
see also Kosovo
Yurt, Katyr, 165
Zadaev, Akhmed, 175
Zahidi, General, 309, 310, 313
Zahir Shah, 63
Zambia, 97, 231
Zana, Leyla, 41
Zeleza, Tiyambe, 332
Zia, Sayyid, 306
Zimbabwe, 124
arms imports, 190–1, 204
Zinni, General Anthony, 16
Zoellick, Robert, 91
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Version 1.0
Epub ISBN 9781407071640
Published by Vintage 2003
Copyright © Mark Curtis 2003
Foreword copyright © John Pilger 2003
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