Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy Page 55
foreign policy and, 373, 375–6
function of, 60
government, belief in, 24
Gulf states and, 371
Israel and, 124, 130–1
Kosovo and, 133, 138, 148, 149, 150–3, 158
normalising the unthinkable, 383
outsiders, scapegoating, 377
poverty and, 365–70
Qadafi plot and, 98
repression and, 371–2
role in the world and, 385–6
Rwanda and, 355–6, 357, 361, 362
US and, 115
Medialens, 55
Mellor, David, ix
Melvern, Linda, 357, 360, 361
Memorial, 170
Merkava tanks, 129
Michel, Philippe, 220
Middle East:
history, 270–84
human rights abuses, 254
oil, 15, 16, 256, 271
poverty, 257
repressive regimes, 111
UK and, xiv, 253–69, 270–84, 286, 435
US and, 90–1, 111, 254, 436–7
Miliband, David, 166
military spending, 92 see also under names of countries
Milne, Seumas, 57, 382
Milne, Tim, 280
Milosevic, President Slobodan, 96, 137, 140, 141, 144, 148, 154:
trial of, 372
Mirawdeli, Kamal, 43–4
Monbiot, George, 228, 374
Montserrat, 378, 426
Monument Oil and Gas company, 73
Mornin, David, 260
Moscow News, 173
Mowlam, Mo, 291
Mubarak, President Hosni, 255, 257
Mugabe, Robert, 97, 124, 190, 244
Muhaymeen, Abdal, 97
Multilateral Agreement on Investment, 225, 293
Murdani, Benny, 407
Murray, Sir James, 393
Musaddiq, Mohamed, 282, 286, 305, 307, 308, 312
Nairn, Allan, 410
Nairne, Sir Patrick, 300
Nasser, President Gamal Abdel, 10, 95, 257, 277, 282–3
Nat West, 218
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
credibility, 152–3
international law violated by, 143
new mission for, 141
Russia and, 168, 169, 170
Treaty, 142
war crimes, 143, 144, 372
natural resources:
benefiting from, 238
control of, 234, 238
patenting, 241–2
Naumann, General, 137
Nepal, 81–2
New Labour see Labour Party
New Statesman, 151, 372
New York Times, 38, 58, 138
NGOs (non-governmental organisations), 22, 23, 226, 228, 248
Nicaragua, 93, 95, 107, 108, 109, 118, 239, 346
Nidal, Abu, 19
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 87
North, Oliver, 108
Northrop Grumman, 85
Norton-Taylor, Richard, 34, 298, 374
nuclear weapons:
acquisition condemned, 371
incitement to acquire, xv, 432–3
retaining, 370–1
using 87, 371
Nutting, Anthony, 10, 283
Oberg, Jan, 149
Obote, Milton, 95
O’Brien, Mike, 13, 178, 267
Observer, 107, 158, 165–6, 218
Ocalan, Abdullah, 39
OECD, 225, 293
Ogot, Bethwell, 332
oil: control of, 245
oil pipelines, 71, 72, 73
O’Kane, Maggie, 162
Oldfield, Maurice, 314
Oliver, Nicholas, 183
Oman, 236, 276–80
Omar, Mullah, 67
Opec, 17
Organisation for Security and Cooperation (OSCE), 137
Ovendale, Ritchie, 344
Owen, David, 405–6
Oxfam, 361
Pain, Emil, 173
Afghanistan and, 67
drug smuggling and, 65
ISI, 60, 61, 173
nuclear tests, 189
USA and, 89
Pakpahan, Muchtar, 198
‘counter gangs’, 96
state, 122
Palestine Liberation Organisation, 257
Panama, invasion of, 76, 103, 109
Pannell Kerr Forster, 218
Patten, Chris, 154
Paxman, Jeremy, 123
Peres, Shimon, 121, 122
Persian Gulf War, 1991, 15, 23, 291:
censorship, 23
Diego Garcia and, 417
disinformation, 23
propaganda and, 23–4
war crimes, 372
Persian Morning Daily, 18
Petroleum Development (Oman) Ltd, 277
Philippines, 81, 89
Philo, Greg, 130–1
Pilger, John, ix–xv, 13, 374, 402
Pinochet, General, 99
Pitcairn Islands, 429
Polaris missiles, 287, 425
‘polyarchy’, 247
Ponte, Carla del, 144
Portugal, 404
poverty, 209, 222, 223, 250, 438:
eradicating, 365–70
Powell, Colin, 78
Prabowo, General, 195
Premier Oil, 216
Prescott, John, 199
Press, Royal Commission on, 376
Price Waterhouse Coopers, 218
Prior, James, 99
Private Finance Initiative, 228
privatisation, 227, 228, 438
Procurement Services International, 183
propaganda, 3, 20–5
protectionism, 368, 370
public: as threat, 297–300
public services, 438
Putin, Lyudmila, 165
Putin, President Vladimir:
Chechnya and, 160, 162, 165, 167, 168–9, 171–2, 175
war against terrorism and, 88
Qaboos, Sheikh, 276
Qadafi, Colonel, 97–8
Al Qaida, xi, 68, 78, 98:
Saudi Arabia and, 68–9
see also under Afghanistan
Qasim, Abdul Karim, 272, 273
RAF (Royal Air Force):
Aden, 281
Aden and, 280
Iraq and, 25–6
Oman and, 277, 278
Rwanda and, 359
Turkey and, 45
Ramsbottom, Sir David, 297
Rapier missiles, 311
Raytheon, 85, 184
Reagan, President Ronald, 62
Red Cross, 281
Reddaway, Norman, 393, 394
Redha, Hashem, 268
Reporter, Shahpour, 311
Rhodesia, 97
Rice, Condoleeza, 66
Richards, Steve, 372–3
Richmond, John, 275
Rifkind, Malcolm, 12, 361
Rio Tinto, 197
Robertson, George (Lord), 28–9, 79, 150, 168, 182, 183–4, 195
Robinson, William, 250
Rogers, Professor Paul, 58
Rolls Royce, 218
Romania, 153
Roosevelt, Kermit, 310, 311
RTZ, 401
Rubin, Barry, 314
Rumsfeld, Donald, 75, 77, 78, 90–1
economy, 178, 179
Iraq and, 17
Moscow bombings, 94, 161, 174
NATO and, 168, 169, 170
poverty in, 178
social state, 178
terrorist activities, 174–5
theatre hostages, 171–2
UK and, 94, 162–3, 166, 171, 175–7
war against terrorism and, 88
genocide in, 355, 357–61
UK and, xiv, 4, 355, 357–61
UN and, xic, 357–8, 359
US and, 357, 358, 359
Sadat, Anwar, 60–1
Saddam Hussein:
br /> human rights record, 18
Kurds gassed by, ix, 244
removing, 11
sanctions and, 12
UK support for, 14, 18, 33
Said, Edward, 375
Saladin armoured cars, 194
Sana, Hassan, 314
Santana, Konis, 406
Aden and, 280, 281
Afghanistan and, 62
Iran and, 314
Iraq and, 38
Malaya and, 339
Milosevic and, 96
Oman and, 277, 279
terrorism and, 96–7
Vietnam and, 104
Saudi Arabia:
Afghanistan and, 60
arms imports, 201, 203, 255, 258, 262–3
collapse of, 69
fatwa, 260
human rights abuses, 69, 254, 258
military training, 256, 261, 262
oil, 17, 69
opposition groups, 257
repression in, 258–63
Saud family, 15, 68, 69
terrorists and, 50, 80
torture, 254, 258, 260
UK and, 69, 254, 256, 258–63
UK citizens, 260
US and, 68, 261, 263
US personnel bombed, 61
women in, 258
Sayyaf, Abu, 81
Schroeder, Gerhard, 169
Scorpion tanks, 193, 194
Scotsman, 339
Scott inquiry, x, 34, 185, 298–300, 384
Seychelles, 416, 422
Sharjah, 281
Sharon, Ariel, 88, 123–4, 126, 127, 130
Shaw, George Bernard, 295–6
Shayler, David, 97
Shell, 271, 277
Shelton, General Harry, 139, 141
Short, Clare:
arms exports and, 190
developing world and, 2, 221, 224–5, 235
economical liberalisation, 232
‘free trade’ and, 215, 221
global economy and, 378
government policies and, 232
MAI and, 225–6
Montserrat and, 378
world poverty and, 2, 210, 368, 369–70
Shultz, George, 239
Silva, Ignacio da (Lula), 239
Simitrijevic, Professor Vojin, 146
Simon, Sir David, 218
Singh, Ajit, 241
Soames, Nicholas, 88
Solana, General Javier, 140
South Africa:
ANC, 244, 249, 250, 251
IMF and, 250, 251
poverty, 249, 250
Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), 250, 251
‘reform’ in, 249–52
UK and, xiv
US and, 250
World Bank and, 250, 251
South Commission, 222
Spectator, 152, 365
Spellar, John, 84
Sponeck, Hans von, 30–2
Sri Lanka, 204
Standard Chartered Bank, 218
Steele, Jonathan, 374
Stephashin, Sergei, 174
Stewart, Michael, 398, 400, 422, 423
Stinger missiles, 63
Straw, Jack:
Bahrain and, 269
international order and, 13–14
interventionism, 84
Iraq and, 9, 18, 19
Israel and, 121–2, 125, 128
Russia and, 170
US and, 112
Sudan, 93, 110, 111, 116, 216
Suez crisis see Egypt, UK invasion of
Suharto, President, xi, xiii, 193, 244, 388–9, 393, 398, 401, 402, 403, 412, 413
Sukarno, President, xiii, 389, 394, 398, 400
Summers, Lawrence, 212
Sunday Times, 139
Sutherland, Keith, 291
Sutherland, Peter, 212
Sutrisno, General Try, 407
Symons, Baroness, 154, 200, 211, 225, 226, 228, 267, 411
Syria, 282, 284
Tactica water cannon, 194
Taiwan: arms imports, 187–8
Tajikistan, 61, 80, 88–9
Tanjung, General, 195
Tapol, 409
Taylor, Martin, 218
Teal Group, 85
television news, 379–80, 381
Templer, Sir Gerald, 334, 338, 340, 341, 342
Tenet, George, 139
arms companies and, 85
creating, 60–5, 80
globalisation of, 64, 92
intervention and, 80–8
rogue states and, 19–20
UK support for, xii
US practice of, 93
see also war against terrorism
terrorism, state, 92–7
UK support for, 1
Thatcher, Margaret:
Afghanistan and, 59
Central America and, 107, 108
East Timor, 423–4
Falklands and, 431
Iraq and, 33–4, 35–6
Libya and, 109
Thiongo, Ngugi Wa, 385
Third World see developing world
Thomson-CSF, 184
Tikriti, Barzan, 37
Times, The, 12
Tomahawk missiles, 83
Tomlinson, Richard, 96, 184
Tornado aircraft, 184, 262
Townsend, John, 277, 279
Toynbee, Polly, 116–17, 151, 357, 370
transnational corporations (TNCs), 212, 225, 439:
power of, 219
trade liberalisation and, 230
transnational elites, 245–6
TRIPS and, 242
world economy benefiting, 242
Treasury, 238
Trident system, 370
Truman, President Harry, 307
arms imports, 39, 41, 187, 203, 204
children, 41
human rights abuses in, 44, 91
Kurds and, xiv, 38–45, 371
PKK, 39, 40, 43
UK and, 38–9, 41, 42–4
USA and, 43
Turkmenistan, 71, 73
Tutu, Archbishop Desmond, 95
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), 223, 241
Unicef, 29, 223
United Fruit Company, 103
United Kingdom:
aggressors, penchant for, 37, 120
aid programmes, 215, 230, 231, 437
‘anti-globalisation’ movement, 437–8
armed forces, offensive role, 82–3
arms exports, ix, x, 3, 34, 39, 41, 127–8, 129, 180–208, 262–3, 311, 362, 406, 407, 410–11, 437:
aid and, 202
arming both sides, 187–92
guidelines, 185, 203–6
human rights abusers and, 192–201, 204, 205
subsidies, 183
arms industry, 187:
asylum seekers, 20, 77, 89
‘benevolence’ of, 380–6
brutal regimes, support for, 94–100
businesses favoured, 217, 218, 226
coercive diplomacy, 83
coups and, 281–2
debt relief and, 231, 293
decolonisation, 236
Defence, Ministry of, 260, 261, 411
Defence Diversification Agency, 183–4
democracy and, 42, 90, 243–52, 294–7, 439, 440
democracy in, lack of, 292, 293
DTI, 36, 130, 200, 203, 211
economic policies, 436
elective dictatorship, 18, 291
democracy and, 42, 88, 302
domesticn 4, 42, 88, 245, 285–6, 302, 384–5
elites, support for, 88, 90, 101, 205, 243, 245, 303
Foreign Office:
Diego Garcia, 414, 417, 423, 428
East Timor and, 404, 411
Indonesia and, 389
Iran and, 309
Iraq and, 12
Israel and, 287
nationalism and, 237–8
/> government lies, ix, x
immorality of, 433–4
imperialism, 234, 235
International Development, Department for (DFID), 214–16, 225–6, 228, 292
international law, attitude to, 87–8, 135
investment and, 225–6
Afghanistan and, 62, 63, 64
arms exports and, 184, 187
Beirut bombing and, 94