Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy Page 53
civilians, attacks on, 50, 52, 53
cluster bombs, 50, 53–4
cruise missile attacks on, 110
deaths in, xii, 49, 50, 55, 93
drug trafficking, 64–5
humanitarian aid, 52
humanitarian crisis, 51
Kabul, 48, 50, 52, 53, 62
mojahidin, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65
Northern Alliance, 48, 54, 59, 67, 71
oil and, 69–74
Pakistan and, 52, 60, 71
Radio Kabul bombed, 53
Red Cross, 52
refugees, 51–2
Taliban, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 58, 59, 61–2, 63, 65, 71, 112
TV station bombed, 53
UK and, 7, 48, 51, 60, 62–4, 112, 434
‘unpeople’, 49, 55
USA and, xii, 47–54, passim, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66–7, 69–70, 71, 417, 434
USSR and, 60
war crimes in, 52, 53
war in:
illegality, 57
main features, 48–55
media and, 382
reasons for, 65–74 passim
see also bombing of
warlords, 50, 54, 63
women in, 54–5, 59
aid to, 231
arms imports, 201–3
debts, 202, 231
media and, 367
poverty, 222
UK and, 367–8
US embassies attacked, 68
USA and, 235–6
Agee, Philip, 354
aid, 248
Aitken, Jonathan, 263
Albania, 137
Albright, Madeleine, 12, 30, 158, 360
Allen, Richard, 342, 344
Aluminum Company of Canada (ALC), 347, 348
Amnesty International, 41, 89, 99, 143, 144, 194–5, 199, 200, 268, 269, 281, 313
Anderson, Bruce, 365
Anderson, David, 325
Anderson, Donald, 110
Anglo-Iranian Oil Corporation (AIOC), 234, 304, 305, 307, 313
Annan, Kofi, 117
Apache helicopters, 128, 129
Arafat, Yasser, 126, 127, 132, 257
Aramco, 277
Arbenz, Jacobo, 103, 104
arms exports:
poverty and, 366–7
see also under names of countries
Armstrong, Sir Robert, 299
Attlee, Clement, 234, 235, 286, 291, 352
Australia, 89, 411
Azad, Farhad, 53
Azerbaijan, 73
Azimi, Fakhreddin, 306, 312
Aziz, Tariq, 15
Babkin, General Sergei, 175
Bacon, Kevin, 15, 138
BAE Systems, 43, 85, 183, 184, 195, 203, 218; see also British Aerospace
democracy and, 266
human rights abuses, 265, 267, 268, 269
military training, 267
torture in, 265
UK and, 263–9
women in, 265
Bahrain Freedom Movement, 266
Baker, James, 15
Ball, George, 398, 399
Bancoult, Olivier, 416, 417, 419, 426
Barclays, 218
Basayev, Shamil, 173
Battle, John, 73, 427
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 98, 121–2, 128, 132, 262, 310, 359, 366, 378, 379
Beckett, Margaret, 211
Belo, Bishop Carlos, 180, 198, 403
Berger, Sandy, 158
Berry, Mike, 20
Beston, Eric, 300
Bevin, Ernest, 234–5
Bewes, Canon, 324
Billiere, Peter de la, 253–4
Birt, John, 379
Black, Ian, 384
Blair, Dennis, 410
Blair, Tony:
Afghanistan and, 49, 51
Africa and, 201
arms exports and, 180–1, 188, 194
Bush and, 112
Chechnya and, 158, 171
democracy and, 207
Diego Garcia and, 427
East Timor and, 408, 409, 413
human rights and, 44, 380
India and, 56
indictment for war crimes, 384
Indonesia and, 198
Iraq and, 10, 30, 31, 33
Israel and, 122–4
Kosovo and, 134, 141
nuclear weapons and, 86–7
Pakistan and, 56
Putin and, 160, 162, 165–6, 167, 168–9, 172, 179
Russia and, 160, 166
Saudi Arabia and, 259
South Africa and, 202–3, 251
terrorism and, 77, 110
Turkey and, 43
as US ambassador, 113
world poverty and, 210
Bolton, John, 78
Bond, Patrick, 251
Booker Bros. McConnell, 347, 350, 354
Bose, Chandra, 95
Boston Globe, 111
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 360
Boyce, Admiral Sir Michael, 93
Bradshaw, Ben, 98–9, 121, 122, 176
Brazil, 216, 239, 346, 439
British Aerospace, 406; see also BAE Systems
British American Tobacco, 216
British Gas, 401
British Guiana, 103, 282, 302:
aluminium, 348
bauxite, 347, 348
communism, 351–2
democracy, threat of, 351
independence, 354
nationalism, 347–50
People’s Progressive Party (PPP), 347, 349, 351, 354
poverty, 348–9
resource redistribution, 349–50
sugar, 347, 348, 350
UK and, 347–54
USA and, 352
British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), 415, 416, 417, 419
British Nuclear Fuels, 218
British Petroleum, 17, 73, 197, 218, 271, 304, 401
British Telecom, 218
Britoil, 401
Brook, Norman, 256
Brown, Gordon, 86, 209–10, 217:
aid and, 230
world poverty and, 210
Brown, Norma, 136
Brown and Root, 218
Browne, Lord, 17
Bukovsky, Vladimir, 174
Burma, 216, 225
Burnham, Forbes, 354
Bush, President George W.:
Afghanistan and, 49, 66, 434
arms control treaties and, 111
Iraq and, 26, 27
Israel and, 127
military spending, 85
terrorism, war against, 77, 78, 79
terrorist attack and, xi
Butler, Robin, 299
Byers, Stephen, 216, 224
Byman, Daniel, 12
Caborn, Richard, 229
Callaghan, James, 404
Campaign Against the Arms Trade, 184, 187, 201, 263
Campbell, Alastair, 21
Card, Andrew, 10
Carew, Tom, 64–5
Cargill, 213
Caspian Sea, 70–2
Castle, Barbara, 326
Central Asia:
gas, 72
oil, 70–1, 72, 80
UK and, 72–3
US and, 70, 72, 80
Central America:
totalitarian regimes in, 112
UK and, xiv
US aggresion in, 107–9
Centurion tanks, 128
Chagos Islands, 414, 416, 417, 418, 421:
outlying islands, 415, 428, 429
see also Diego Garcia
Chagos Support Group, 426
Chalker, Lynda, 359, 424
Challis, Roland, xiii, xiv, 393
Channel 4, 164, 324, 328
Channel 5, 379
Charter 88, 290
Chavez, President Hugo, 239
Chechnya, conflict in:
atrocities, 171, 172
Dachny, 159, 167
EU and, 161, 168, 169
Grozny, 160, 161, 162, 164, 170–1
p; history of, 160–72
human rights, 171
independence and, 160–1
landmines, 160
Russian brutality in, 88, 94
Russian troop numbers, 171
terrorism smokescreen, 172, 174
treaty, 160–1
UK and, xiv, 42, 157, 160–79
war crimes, 158
Cheney, Richard, 71, 78–9
Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 148
Chevron, 17
Chi Haotian, General, 199
Chieftain tanks, 311
Kissinger and, 99
liberal government overthrown, 118
USA and, 346
arms imports, 187–8, 198–201
UK and, 198–201
war against terrorism and, 88
Chomsky, Noam, xi, 142, 399
Christian Aid, 227
Churchill, Winston, 307–8, 344
Clark, General Wesley, 139, 140
Clark, Ramsay, 31, 384
Clinton, President Bill:
East Timor and, 411–12
human rights and, 117
Iraq and, 26
Kosovo and, 156
Turkey and, 42
cluster bombs, 50, 143, 146–7, 155 see also under Afghanistan
Clutterbuck, Richard, 338, 341
Cockburn, Patrick, 174
Cohen, William, 135
cold war, 75–6
Cole, USS, 68
Colombia, 117
Commonwealth Development Corporation, 331
Congo, Democratic Republic, 190, 191, 192, 204
Connor, Ken, 62
Conservative Party, 198, 223, 264, 286, 287
Constant, Emmanuel, 93
Convention on the Rights of the Child, 31
Cook, Robin:
arms exports and, 190, 192, 195
Chechnya and, 175–6
Diego Garcia and, 427
East Timor and, 408, 410
human rights and, 2
Israel and, 125
Kosovo and, 135, 139, 141, 142, 153
Qadafi and, 98
Russia and, 163–4
Turkey and, 44
Cooley, John, 61, 64, 65
Cooper, Neil, 185
Cooper, Robert, 84
Corbyn, Jeremy, 415
corporate power, 219, 225
Cottam, Richard, 311
Council of Europe, 167, 170
Cowan, John, 328
Cripps, Stafford, 235, 253
Crossman, Richard, 290–1
Cuba, 78, 93, 238
Curran, James, 377
Cyprus, 42, 203
Daghestan, 173
Daily Telegraph, 71, 72, 340–1
Dallaire, Romeo, 358–9
Dalyell, Tam, 415
Dassault, 184
Daum, Werner, 111
Davies, Nick, 376
Demerara Bauxite Company, 347, 348
polyarchy, 247
threat of, 233–52, 243–52
Derr, Kenneth, 17
developing countries:
debt relief, 231
development prevented, 241, 242
governments, role of 246
independence as threat, 233, 239–40
media and, 369–70
nationalism in, 76, 237–8, 243
reforms, 237
resources, control of, 76, 283
trade liberalisation and, 230, 288
trade regulation by, 241
transnational elites and, 246
see also under names of countries
development, threat of, 237–43
Diego Garcia:
citizenship rights, 427
concealment and, 425–6
inhabitants’ nationality, 421, 424–5
inhabitants removed, 4, 414, 418, 425:
compensation for, 420, 426, 427
denial of, 421–3
right to return, 426
legal action and, 415, 428
resettlement, 428–9
society, 418–19
UK and, 414–31
unpeople, 415
US and, 54, 414–15, 416, 417, 418, 425, 427, 429–30
Dienstbier, Jiri, 136
Djibouti, 81
Djubnedi, Colonel, 197
Dominican Republic, 346
Dorrill, Stephen, 63, 75, 96, 97
Dostam, Abdul, 52
Douglas-Home, Sir Douglas, 106
Dulles, John Foster, 103
East Timor:
army death squads, 406
atrocities in, 400, 411
Dili, 407, 409
elections, 402
Fretilin, 403
genocide, 403
independence, 388, 409
invasion of, 4, 381, 402, 403
Liquica, 158–9, 411
militias, 195, 408, 409, 410, 412
murders in, 244, 362, 381
UDT, 403
UK and, 158, 388, 402–13
UK arms and, 180
UN and, 405, 412
US and, 404–5, 412
Eastern Europe:
economies, 153
poverty, 153
Ecevit, Bulent, 43
economic ‘liberalisation’, 91: 102, 209–37 passim, 242, 246, 368, 384, 438, 439:
effects of, 220–3
Economist, The, 22, 267, 343
Eden, Anthony, 104, 282, 283, 307, 308
Egypt, 236, 257:
Suez Canal, 283
terrorism in, 60–1
UK exports to, 35
UK invasion of, 1956, xiii, 10, 282, 383
US and, 283
Eisenhower, President Dwight, 103, 283
El Salvador: US and, 107, 108
elites, transnational, 245–6, 247, 250, 438
Elizier, Ben, 120
Erbakan, Necmettin, 42
Ernst and Young, 218
arms embargoes, 201
arms exports code of conduct, 185–6, 191, 203
Balkans and, 154
Chechnya and, 161, 168, 169
China and, 198, 200
Common Agricultural Policy, 230
developing countries and, 242, 369
Indonesia and, 410
Israel and, 127, 132
protectionism, 369
Russia and, 161, 162, 169
trade barriers, 229
Turkey and, 40, 44, 244
UK and, 286
European Convention on Human Rights, 99
European Court of Human Rights, 40
European Court of Justice, 99
Evans, Sir Richard, 184
F16 aircraft, 129
Fadlallah, Sheikh, xiv, 94
Falk, Richard, xiii
Falkland Islands, 426, 430
Falklands war, 291
Falle, Sam, 309
Fatchett, Derek, 73, 197, 264
Federov, Nikolai, 175
Felgenhauer, Pavel, 173–4
Financial Times, 12, 116, 118, 186, 211, 265–6, 363, 371, 430
Finucane, Pat, 99
Fisk, Robert, 131–2, 255, 374
Forced Labour Convention, 329
Ford, President Gerald, 404–5
Foreign Policy, 22
France, 148, 262:
Iraq and, 17
Frank, Thomas, 219
Free Tibet Campaign, 200
‘free trade’, 213, 242, 246
Freedland, Jonathan, 151
Freeman, Lord, 184
Gambari, Ibrahim, 358
Garden, Sir Timothy, 28–9
Garnier, Edward, 189
GEC-Marconi, 183, 198
Geneva Conventions, 123, 359
Genocide Convention, 31
Georgia, 80, 81
Iraq and, 20
Kosovo and, 140, 144, 148
Germany, West, 108
Ghana, 227, 231
rt, Lord, 182
Gilchrist, Sir Andrew, 389, 392
GKN, 194
Glasgow University Media Group (GUMG), 130, 366, 374, 379
Glazebrook, Lt. Col. Richard, 34
global economy: