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22. Latin American Bureau, Guyana: Fraudulent revolution, LAB, London, 1984, p. 47
Part IV The mass production of ignorance
1. Speech to Labour party conference, 3 October 2001, www.labour.org.uk
18 Ethical foreign policies and other myths
2. See my The Great Deception, pp. 208–13
3. See Linda Melvern, A people betrayed: The role of the West in Rwanda’s genocide, Zed, London, 2000, pp. 138, 147–8, 153–4, 163, 174–5, 179–80, 228–32 for sources
4. James Bone and Catherine Bond, ‘Rwanda minister snubbed at UN over massacre’, The Times, 13 May 1994
5. Robin Cook, ‘Human rights into a new century’, speech at the Foreign Office, 17 July 1997, www.fco.gov.uk
6. Mark Wickham-Jones, ‘Labour party politics and foreign policy’, in Richard Little and Mark Wickham-Jones (eds.), New Labour’s foreign policy: A new moral crusade?, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2000, pp. 93, 105
7. ‘Cook’s Asian tour’, Financial Times, 2 September 1997; John Lloyd, ‘Mandarins, guns and morals’, New Statesman, 25 October 1999
8. Vikram Dodd and Ewen MacAskill, ‘Labour drops “ethical” tag’, Guardian, 4 September 2000
9. ‘Foreign policy needs a portrait in reality’, Independent on Sunday, 13 May 1997
10. Bruce Anderson, ‘Mr Blair’s misunderstanding of 1939 is making him botch 1999’, Spectator, 17 April 1999
11. ‘Media coverage of the developing world: Audience understanding and interest’, www.gla.ac.uk
12. ‘The cash is what counts’, Guardian, 6 November 1997
13. Larry Elliott, ‘Short’s blueprint for poor’, Guardian, 26 January 2000
14. Polly Toynbee, ‘He promised to take on the world. And I believed him’. Guardian, 4 October 2001
15. Hugo Young, ‘The terrifying naivety of Blair the great intervener’, Guardian, 30 April 2002
16. ‘Nuclear fall-out’, Financial Times, 12 May 1998
17. Steve Richards, ‘The special advisers are here to stay’, New Statesman, 17 January 2000
19 The media’s propaganda role
1. Edward Said, Covering Islam: How the media and the experts determine how we see the rest of the world, Vintage, London 1997, pp. 54–5
2. Brian McNair, News and journalism in the UK, Routledge, London, 1999, p. 43
3. Allen and Seaton, p. 45
4. James Curran, ‘Mass media and democracy revisited’, in James Curran and Michael Gurevitch (eds.), Mass media and society, Arnold, London, 1995, p. 98
5. ‘Keeping a foot in the door’, Guardian, 10 January 2000
6. James Curran, ‘Communications, power and social order’, in Michael Gurevitch et al (eds.), Culture, society and the media, Routledge, London, 1997, p. 227
7. John Birt, ‘The prize and the price’, New Statesman media lecture, London, 6 July 1999
8. Cited in McNair, p. 40; Greg Philo, Seeing is believing: The influence of television, Routledge, London, 1995, p. 170
9. ‘Rights and wrongs’, Guardian, 6 March 2000; Martin Woollacott, ‘The see-through reality of sanctions’, Guardian, 31 August 1996; Polly Toynbee and David Walker, Did things get better?: An audit of Labour’s successes and failures, Penguin, London, 2001, p. 122, Ralph Young, ‘New Labour and international development’, in David Coates and Peter Lawler (eds.), New Labour in power, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2000, p. 254
10. John Lloyd, ‘Europe grows after Kosovo’, New Statesman, 7 June 1999
11. John Pilger, ‘Censorship by omission’, in Hammond and Herman (eds.), p. 136
12. Ian Black, ‘Dictators in the dock’, Guardian, 3 June 1998
13. Ngugi Wa Thiongo, Decolonising the mind: The politics of language in African literature, James Currey, London, 1997
20 Indonesia: Complicity in a million deaths
1. See Denis Healey, The time of my life, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1990
2. A. Gilchrist to E. Peck, 5 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180318, DH1015/187
3. Foreign Office to Embassy in Indonesia, 16 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/18031/DH 1015/179; Memo by H. Stanley, 17 June 1966, PRO, IM 1193/32/G
4. Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 5 October 1965; State Department to Embassy in Indonesia, 13 October 1965; Memorandum from Assistant for Indonesia to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence, 4 November 1964, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Vol. XXVI, USGPO, Washington, 2001, pp. 307, 320, 352 – hereafter FRUS
5. Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 20 October 1965, FRUS, pp. 329–30
6. Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 1, 4 and 8 November 1965, FRUS, pp. 346, 355, 338
7. J. Murray to E. Peck, 25 November 1965, PRO, FO 371/180325/DH1015/327
8. Report by H. Windle, 16 December 1965, PRO, FO 371/180325/DH1015/335
9. Consulate in Medan to State Department, 16 November 1965, FRUS, p. 366
10. State Department to Embassy in Indonesia, 16 December 1965; Memorandum of conversation, 14 February 1965, FRUS, pp. 385, 399–400
11. A. Gilchrist to Foreign Office, 21 February 1966, PRO, FO 371/186028/DH 1015/62; J. Murray to A. De La Mare, 13 January 1966, PRO, FO 371/186027/DH1015/20; Memo by J. Wright, ‘The liquidation of the Indonesian communist party in Sumatra’, 30 March 1966, PRO, FO 371/186030/DH 1015/151; Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 15 April 1966, FRUS, p. 339
12. J. Wright to J. Murray, 3 January 1966, PRO, FO 371/186027/DH 1015/29; Memo by J. Cable, 7 January 1966, PRO, FO 371/186044/DH 1051/2; Embassy brief, 30 June 1966, FO 371/186044/DH 1051/39
13. Report by Consul in Surabaya, 31 August 1966, PRO, FO 371/186032/DH 1015/216
14. J. Wright to S. Cambridge, 30 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180309/DH 1013/19
15. Foreign Office to Singapore, 6 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180317/DH 1015/167
16. A. Gilchrist to Foreign Office, 11 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180318/DH 1015/179
17. Singapore to Foreign Office, 8 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180318/DH 1015/186
18. A. Gilchrist to Foreign Office, 9 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180318/DH 1015/186
19. See FRUS, p. 318
20. Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 14 October 1965, FRUS, p. 321
21. Roland Challis, Shadow of a revolution: Indonesia and the Generals, Sutton Publishing, 2001, pp. 107, 113
22. Ibid., p. 95
23. Singapore to Foreign Office, 5 October 1965; Foreign Office to Singapore, 6 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/180317/DH 1015/167
24. Singapore to Foreign Office, 9 October 1965, FO 371/180318/DH 1015/167; A. Adams to J. Murray, 19 May 1966, PRO, FO 371/187587/IM 1193/29; Challis, pp. 102–3
25. See Kathy Kadane, Inside Indonesia, June 1990
26. See FRUS, p. 387
27. State Department to Embassy in Indonesia, 6 October 1965; Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 5 October 1965, FRUS, pp. 309, 307
28. A. Gilchrist to Foreign Office, 14 November 1965, PRO, FO 371/181519/IM 1121/15
29. Embassy in Indonesia to State Department, 1 November 1965, FRUS, p. 346
30. CIA memorandum, 9 November 1965, FRUS, pp. 362–3
31. Memorandum by the Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 4 December 1965, FRUS, p. 382
32. M. Stewart to E. Peck, 28 October 1965, PRO, FO 371/181519/IM 1121/8
33. J. Wright to J. Murray, 3 January 1966, PRO, FO 371/186027/DH 1015/29
34. Foreign Office Research Department, ‘United Kingdom interests, commitments and objectives in South East Asia’, 13 August 1964, PRO, FO 371/185940/D 1691/1
35. M. Stewart to Prime Minister, 6 December 1965, PRO, FO 371/181477/IM 103145/19
36. A. De La Mare to Foreign Secretary, 12 August 1966, PRO, FO 371/186044/DH 1015/67
37. See FRUS, pp. 251, 253
38. Embassy in Malaysia to State Department, 17 December 1964; Memorandum by George Ball, 18 March 1965, FRUS, pp. 203, 252
39. ‘Indonesia-A
merican relations’, Report from Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker to President Johnson, undated (1965), FRUS, p. 257
40. Embassy brief, October 1966, PRO, FO 371/186044/DH 1051/67
41. Special National Intelligence Estimate, 1 September 1965, FRUS, p. 292
42. Memo by D. Marston, 2 November 1966, PRO, FO 371/186064/DH 1191/3; Foreign Office to Embassy in Indonesia, 19 April 1966, PRO, FO 371/187572/IM1051/39/G; Memo by J. Rob, undated (April 1966), PRO, FO 371/187572/IM 1051/49/G; Memo by British embassy, 27 April 1966, PRO, FO 371/187573/IM 1051/71; Foreign Office brief for Cabinet, 23 August 1966, PRO, FO 37/187574/IM 1051/117/G
43. Michael Stewart, Life and Labour: An autobiography, Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1980, p. 149; cited in Carmel Budiardjo and Liem Soei Liong, The war against East Timor, Zed, London, 1984, p. 49
44. Kolko, Confronting the Third World, pp. 184–5
45. ‘Opportunities in Indonesia’, Daily Telegraph, 21 July 1975; Peter Hill, ‘CBI says UK neglects trade with Indonesia’, The Times, 21 August 1975
46. John Battle, speech at the Royal United Services Institute, London, 22 November 2000, www.fco.gov.uk/news/speechtext
21 East Timor: Smothering the birth of a nation
1. Evidence to FAC, 23 November 1999, Q. 65, Foreign Affairs Committee, First Report, Session 1999–2000
2. Jonathan Mirsky, ‘War by famine kills 200,000’, Observer foreign news service, 20 November 1979; ‘ET bishop reports persecution’, International Herald Tribune, 16 February 1990
3. Cited in G. Munster and J. Walsh, Documents on Australian defence and foreign policy, 1968–1975, Hong Kong, 1980, pp. 192–3
4. Foreign Office memorandum, ‘Portuguese Timor’, 1 January 1965, PRO, FO 371/180256/DE 1015/1; Embassy in Indonesia to Foreign Office, 3 January 1962, PRO, FO 371/166422/DE 103162/1
5. ‘East Timor revisited’, 6 December 2001, National Security Archive: www.gwu.edu/nsarchiv
6. Munster and Walsh, pp. 199–200; Carmel Budiardjo, ‘Indonesia: Mass extermination and the consolidation of authoritarian power’, in Alexander George (ed.), Western state terrorism, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1991, p. 200
7. Cited in Budiardjo, ‘Indonesia’, p. 203
8. Ibid., p. 205
9. Sue Lloyd-Roberts, ‘British arms help Jakarta fight war against its own people’, Independent, 27 March 1997
10. John Gittings, ‘East Timorese accuse Britain of blocking action on Indonesia’, Guardian, 17 June 1992
11. ‘In Sumatra uprising, army is said to execute hundreds’, International Herald Tribune, 21 June 1991
12. Amnesty International newsletter, July 1993; International Herald Tribune, 10 December 1991
13. HRW, ‘East Timorese still trapped in Indonesia’, 15 December 1999, www.hrw.org
14. Speech to Chatham House, 28 January 2000, www.fco.gov.uk/news/speechtext
15. Tapol memorandum to FAC, 18 November 1999, www.tapol.gn.apc.org
16. Nicholas Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’, CAAT, October 1999, www.caat.org.uk
17. Chomsky, Rogue States, Pluto, London, 2000, p. 58
18. Allan Nairn, ‘US complicity in Timor’, Nation, 27 September 1999
19. See Eric Herring, ‘Wiping the state clean?’, http//uk.geocities.com/dstokes14/Eric/stateclean.htm
20. DFID, Statement by the UK delegation, East Timor donor meeting, 17 December 1999, www.dfid.gov.uk
21. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Lifting of arms ban angers campaigners’, Guardian, 14 January 2000
22. Kim Howells, House of Commons, Hansard, 29 October 1999, Col. 1016; Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees, Second, Third and Fourth Reports, Session 1999–2000, para 29, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm1999900
23. Nicholas Gilby, ‘Arms exports to Indonesia’
24. HRW, ‘Indonesian government must prevent East Timor bloodbath’, 3 September 1999, www.hrw.org
25. Chomsky, Rogue States, p. 58
26. HRW, ‘Ban arms sales to Indonesia unless Timor militias stopped’, 17 August 2000, www.hrw.org
27. Amnesty International, ‘Indonesia: The UN’s highest human rights body fails victims in Indonesia and East Timor’, 22 April 2002, http//web.amnesty.org
28. HRW, ‘Unfinished business: Justice for East Timor’, August 2000, www.hrw.org
29. John Battle, speech to the Royal United Services Institute, 22 November 2000, www.fco.gov.uk/news/speechtext
22 Diego Garcia: Removing people from history
1. Ewen MacAskill, ‘Evicted islanders to go home’, Guardian, 4 November 2000
2. Healey, The time of my life, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1989
3. Letter to the Guardian, 10 November 2000
4. Foreign Office memorandum, 31 August 1966, in Chagos islands group litigation, Claimants chronology (hereafter Litigation chronology), p. 7; Colonial Office minute, 24 June 1968, Litigation chronology, p. 12
5. Ian Black, ‘Colonial victims seek resettlement’, Guardian, 16 October 1997
6. Personal interview, London, 30 October 2002
7. Chagos Islands group litigation, Claimants’ skeleton argument (hereafter Skeleton argument), para 2.5
8. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Dumped islanders seek to return home’, Guardian, 18 July 2000; Foreign Office memorandum, 23 September 1964, in Litigation chronology, p. 2; Foreign Office minute, 18 March 1966, Litigation chronology, p. 7; Foreign Office minute, 8 February 1971, Litigation chronology, p. 33
9. Foreign Office to High Commission, Mauritius, 12 March 1971, Litigation chronology, p. 34; Governor, Seychelles to Foreign Office, 25 March 1971, Litigation chronology, p. 35
10. John Madeley, Diego Garcia: A contrast to the Falklands, Minority Rights Group, London, 1985, pp. 1–4, 5
11. Natasha Mann and Bonnie Malkin, ‘Deserted islanders’, Guardian, 6 July 2000; Foreign Office brief, 1 March 1972, Litigation chronology, p. 43
12. Madeley, Diego Garcia, pp. 3–8
13. High Commission, Mauritius to Administrator, BIOT, 11 May 1973, Litigation chronology, p. 46; Foreign Office to Treasury, 19 April 1972, Litigation chronology, p. 44; Skeleton argument, para. 6.30
14. Cited in Madeley, p. 6
15. High Commission to petitioners, 11 November 1974, Litigation chronology, p. 47
16. Martin Walker, ‘Britain evicts for base aims’, Guardian, 10 September 1975
17. Foreign Office memos, 1966, Skeleton argument, paras 2.8.4 and 2.8.5; Colonial Office memorandum, January 1966, Litigation chronology, p. 6
18. Foreign Office to UK Mission to the UN, 9 November 1965, Litigation chronology, p. 4; UK Mission to UN to Foreign Office, 9 November 1965, Litigation chronology, p. 5; Foreign Office legal adviser, 7 February 1969, Litigation chronology, p. 19; Note by Foreign Office legal adviser, 23 October 1968, Litigation chronology, p. 17
19. Michael Stewart to Harold Wilson, 21 April 1969, Litigation chronology, p. 21
20. Cited by Tam Dalyell MP, House of Commons, Hansard, 9 January 2001, Cols. 182–3
21. Ibid.; Foreign Office minute, 24 May 1965, Litigation chronology, p. 7; Foreign Office legal adviser, 16 January 1970, Litigation chronology, p. 25
22. House of Commons, Hansard, 9 July 1990, Col. 36
23. House of Commons, Hansard, 18 December 1989, Col. 47; 19 May 1992, Col. 28
24. Foreign Office, ‘Country profiles’, British Indian Ocean Territory, www.fco.gov.uk
25. Michael Stewart to Harold Wilson, 21 April 1969, Litigation chronology, p. 21; MoD to UK embassy, Washington, 13 June 1969, Litigation chronology, p. 23
26. High Commission, Mauritius to Foreign Office, 13 January 1971, Litigation chronology, p. 32; Foreign Office to High Commission, Mauritius, 12 March 1971, Litigation chronology, p. 34
27. Richard Luce letter, 2 February 1981, Litigation chronology, p. 53
28. Ewen MacAskill and Rob Evans, ‘Thirty years of lies, deceit and trickery that robbed a people of their island home’, Guardian, 4 November 200
29. Skeleton argument, paras. 2.14, 9.21
30. Personal interview, London, 30 October 2002
31. Ian Black, ‘Colonial victims seek resettlement’, Guardian, 16 October 1997
32. House of Commons, Hansard, 22 June 1999, Col. 925
33. House of Commons, Hansard, 9 January 2001, Col. 191
34. House of Commons, Hansard, 24 February 1998, Col. 192
35. House of Commons, Hansard, 24 July 2000, Col. 423
36. Foreign Office memorandum on British Indian Ocean Territory, 31 July 2000, in House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, First Special Report, Session 2000/2001, Appendix 10
37. Ewen MacAskill, ‘US base deals blow to displaced islanders’, Guardian, 9 October 2001
38. Jonathan Jenness, ‘Chagos islands resettlement: A review’, 11 September 2002, p. 67
39. House of Commons, Hansard, 13 November 2000, Col. 510W
40. Ewen MacAskill and Rob Evans, ‘US blocks return home for exiled islanders’, Guardian, 1 September 2000; Ewen MacAskill, ‘Diego Garcia exiles to seek £4bn from US’, Guardian, 13 December 2000
41. Madeley, p. 3
42. ‘Jingoism is not the way’, Financial Times, 5 April 1982; ‘After Lord Carington’, Financial Times, 6 April 1982
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Abdullah, Prince, 69, 259
Aboulafia, Richard, 85
Abu Dhabi, 281
Acheson, Dean, 5
Adam Smith Institute, 227
Adams, James, 345
Aden, 96, 280, 281
Al Qaida in, 48, 49, 50, 59, 61, 112, 434
bombing of, 22, 47–54 passim, 56, 58, 59, 65, 68, 69–70