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34. Dorril, MI6, p. 772
35. Cooley, Unholy wars, p. 260
36. Tom Carew, Jihad: The secret war in Afghanistan, Mainstream, London, 2000, pp. 200–1
37. Blum, Rogue state, p. 224
38. Cooley, Unholy wars, p. 5
39. ‘We’ll destroy them, says Bush’, Observer, 16 September 2001; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Strident about Trident’, Guardian, 7 December 2001
40. Cited in Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert, ‘45 questions and answers’, www.zmag.org
41. ‘US prepares for long war as Taliban close path to peace’, Guardian, 20 September 2001
42. Rory McCarthy, ‘New offer on Bin Laden’, Guardian, 17 October 2001
43. Jonathan Steele, ‘Afghanistan coup “being planned”’, Guardian, 1 October 2001
44. Cited in Halliday, Two hours that shook the world, pp. 217–8
45. ‘Britons left in jail amid fears that Saudi Arabia could fall to al-Qaeda’, Observer, 28 July 2002; David Leigh and Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘House of Saud looks close to collapse’, Guardian, 12 November 2001
46. See Terry Clancy, ‘Empire in Central Asia’, www.flag.blackened.net
47. George Monbiot, ‘America’s pipe dream’, Guardian, 23 October 2001
48. Ben Aris and Ahmed Rashid, ‘Control of Central Asia’s oil is the real goal’, Daily Telegraph, 25 October 2001
49. Memorandum by BP, March 1999, in House of Commons, FAC, Sixth report, Session 1998–99, 20 July 1999, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199899
50. Memorandum by Monument Oil and Gas, March 1999, in FAC, Sixth report
51. Speech to the Royal United Services Institute, London, 7 December 1999, www.fco.gov.uk
52. FAC, Sixth report, Session 1998–99, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa.cm199899, para. 99
3 Explaining the ‘war against terrorism’
1. Dorril, MI6, p. 799; Donald Rumsfeld, ‘The gathering storm: The threat of global terror and Asia/Pacific security’, 1 June 2002, transcript of speech at Nellis air force base, Nevada, 20 February 2002, www.defenselink.mil
2. George Bush, speech on the White House lawn, 11 March 2002, www.whitehouse.gov
3. Donald Rumsfeld, ‘The gathering storm’; George Bush, address to the nation, 6 June 2002, www.whitehouse.org; Patrick Wintour and Jamie Wilson, ‘Pledge by Blair on terror warnings’, Guardian, 19 November 2002
4. Michael Parenti, ‘Terrorism meets reactionism’, in Burbach and Clarke (eds.), p. 71; cited in Edward Herman, ‘Axis of evil – in Washington DC’, 16 March 2002, www.zmag.org
5. Hugo Young, ‘Americans want a war on Iraq and we can’t stop them’, Guardian, 27 November 2001; Colin Powell remarks with Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda, 2 August 2002, www.defenselink.org; ‘Why Carter is smarter’, Guardian, 15 May 2002; ‘Spies in Iranian skies’, Guardian, 14 June 2002
6. John Pilger, ‘The colder war’, Mirror, 29 January 2002
7. ‘Follies in the forum’, Guardian, 29 May 2002
8. US president, The national security strategy of the United States, Washington DC, September 2002, preface; ‘Stonewalling over Iraq “frenzy”’, Guardian, 22 August 2002; David Teather, ‘Dispersed al-Qaida poses even bigger threat, US says’, Guardian, 17 June 2002
9. The national security strategy of the United States, pp. 13, 15
10. George Monbiot, ‘America’s imperial war’, Guardian, 12 February 2002; Ewen MacAskill, ‘From Suez to the Pacific: US expands its presence across the globe’, Guardian, 8 March 2002
11. Edward Helmore, ‘Anger grows as US bases spread’, Observer, 20 January 2002
12. Brid Brennan, ‘Another Afghanistan’, Red Pepper, March 2002
13. Binaj Gurubacharya, ‘Nepal army to recruit troops, buy equipment to fight Maoist rebels’, Associated Press, 21 August 2002
14. Bridget Kendall, ‘UK urges military aid for Nepal’, BBC online, 19 June 2002
15. National security strategy of the United States, pp. 6, 23, 29–31; Donald Rumsfeld, speech at national defence university, Washington, 31 January 2002; Department of Defence, Annual report to President and Congress 2002, Washington DC, pp. 4, 19
16. National security strategy of the United States, pp. 6, 23, 29–31
17. Introduction, paras. 6, 87, in Strategic Defence Review, www.mod.uk/issues/sdr/intro.htm
18. Denis MacShane, speech to the Royal College of Defence Studies, 25 April 2002, www.fco.gov.uk
19. SDR paper, ‘Future military capabilities’, para. 26; SDR, para. 24; House of Commons, Hansard, 25 January 1999, Col. 13
20. SDR, para. 208
21. Defence Committee, Eighth report, Session 1997–98, 3 September 1998, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199798, para. 129; Denis MacShane, speech to the Royal College of Defence Studies, 25 April 2002, www.fco.gov.uk; Jack Straw, ‘Failed and failing states’, 6 September 2002, www.fco.gov.uk
22. SDR, para. 129; Defence Committee, Second report, session 2001–02, 12 December 2001, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200102, para. 100
23. Robert Cooper, ‘The post-modern state’, in Mark Leonard (ed.), Reordering the world, Foreign Policy Centre, London, 2002, pp. 16–18
24. ‘Profits of doom’, CAAT newsletter, December 2001, www.caat.org.uk
25. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Armed forces hail biggest cash boost since cold war’, Guardian, 17 July 2002
26. ‘Outrage as Pentagon nuclear hitlist revealed’, Observer, 10 March 2002
27. John Kampfner, ‘Britain warns Saddam against retaliation’, Financial Times, 18 February 1998
28. SDR, para. 63; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Bush’s nuke bandwagon’, Guardian, 27 March 2002; ARROW briefing, ‘Don’t nuke Iraq’, 22 June 2002, www.j-n-v.org/arrow
29. SDR, paras, 61, 19. Emphasis added
30. House of Commons, Hansard, 12 November 1998, Col. 281; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘£2bn “mini-nukes” investment’, Guardian, 18 June 2002; Response of the Foreign Secretary to FAC, Foreign policy aspects of the war against terrorism report, Cm 5589, August 2002, para (y)
31. House of Commons, Hansard, 16 July 1996, Col. 484
32. HRW, ‘Anti-terror campaign cloaking human rights abuse’, 16 January 2002
33. HRW, World report 2002, ‘Introduction’
34. HRW, ‘Dangerous dealings: Changes to US military assistance after September 11’, February 2002
35. Amnesty International, ‘Creating a shadow criminal justice system in the name of “fighting international terrorism”’, 16 November 2001; HRW, World report 2002, ‘Introduction’
36. HRW, World report 2002, ‘Introduction’
37. Donald Rumsfeld, ‘The gathering storm’
38. Defence Committee, Second report, Minutes of evidence, para. 88
39. Defence Committee, Eighth report, para. 103
40. Blum, Rogue state, p. xiv; ‘Air attacks will be stepped up’, Guardian, 13 April 1999
41. Defence Committee, Second report, para. 5
42. Noam Chomsky, ‘Who are the global terrorists?’, 19 May 2002, www.zmag.org
43. Jonathan Bloch and Patrick Fitzgerald, British intelligence and covert action, Junction, London, 1983, p. 160; Dorill, MI6, pp. 365, 555, 612
44. ‘Britain denies conspiracy to kill UN chief’, Guardian, 20 August 1998
45. Dorril, MI6, pp. 610, 613–14, 639, 792
46. Tony Geraghty, Who dares wins: The story of the SAS, 1950–1980, Fontana, London, 1980, pp. 100–2; Dorril, The silent conspiracy, p. 78; Dorril, MI6, p. 696
47. Cited in Dorril, The silent conspiracy, p. 104; John Newsinger, Dangerous men: The SAS and popular culture, Pluto, London, 1997, pp. 61–2
48. Dorril, MI6, p. 793; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Gagging orders issued in MI6 trial’, Guardian, 7 October 2002
49. http/cryptome.org/shayler-gaddafi.htm
50. Ben Bradshaw, statement in the House of Commons, 4 March 2002, www.fco.gov.uk
51. Dorril, The silent conspiracy, p. 89
52. Amnesty International, press release, 4 May 2001; John Newsinger, in Lobster, no. 37, Summer 1999, p. 30; Niall Stange, ‘Britain’s tame death squads’, Guardian, 26 June 2002
53. Amnesty International press release, 23 April 2002, http/web.amnesty.org
4 Big Brother, our favourite ally
1. A. Balfour to E. Bevin, 9 August 1945, Documents on British foreign policy, Series I, Volume III, HMSO, London, p. 17
2. See Richard Immerman, The CIA in Guatemala: The foreign policy of intervention, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1982, pp. 64–6, 82–3, 171–3
3. Memorandum by K. Pridham, 8 September 1954, PRO, FO 371/108945/AG 10345/6
4. Anthony Eden, Full circle, Cassell, London, 1960, p. 135
5. Bloch and Fitzgerald, pp. 44, 64; Dorril, MI6, pp. 715–20
6. House of Commons, Hansard, 3 March 1964, Col. 1128, 29 April 1963, Col. 702
7. House of Commons, Hansard, 14 March 1962, Col. 1318, 25 March 1965, Col. 735
8. House of Commons, Hansard, 17 April 1972, Col. 17, 25 April 1972, Col. 1274, 15 May 1972, Col. 20
9. Robert Stephens, ‘Britain silent on bombing’, Observer, 24 December 1972
10. House of Commons, Hansard, 16 January 1984, Col. 6, 24 April 1985, Col. 872
11. Dorril, The silent conspiracy, pp. 271–2; James Adams, Secret armies: The full story of the SAS, Pan, London, 1988, p. 361
12. Hugh O’Shaughnessy, ‘Secret FO block on Nicaragua aid’, Observer, 12 May 1985; House of Commons, Hansard, 26 February 1985, Col. 178
13. James Ferguson, James Painter and Jenny Pearce, ‘Under attack: Central America and the Caribbean’, in Latin America Bureau, The Thatcher years: Britain and Latin America, LAB, London, 1985, pp. 30–4; House of Commons, Hansard, 9 November 1984, Col. 326
14. Dianna Melrose, The threat of a good example?, Oxfam, Oxford, 1985, pp. 45–8
15. James Astill, ‘Strike one’, Guardian, 2 October 2001
16. House of Commons, Hansard, 19 October 1998, Col. 915; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘This is Britain’s moment’, Guardian, 13 September 2001; ‘Clinton takes revenge’, Guardian, 21 August 1998
17. House of Commons, Hansard, 4 February 1999, Col. 743; Foreign Office, Human Rights: Annual report 2002, chapter 3
18. Cited in Chomsky, 9/11, Seven stories, New York, 2001, p. 48
19. Press conference, 25 July 2002, www.pm.gov.uk; Jack Straw evidence to FAC, 25 September 2002, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200102
20. Cited in ‘America’s newest ambassador to the rest of the world’, Guardian, 6 October 2001
21. Patricia Hewitt, statement to the House of Commons, 6 March 2002, www.dti.gov.uk
22. ‘Targeting the terrorists’, Financial Times, 21 August 1998
23. Polly Toynbee, ‘Let’s hope Gore wins’, Guardian, 10 March 2000; Martin Walker, ‘US tells Croatia it must leave Bosnia alone’, Guardian, 25 October 1995
24. Martin Woollacott, ‘Iraq cannot be left to its own dangerous devices’, Guardian, 23 August 2002; Woollacott, ‘Presidential hopefuls show interest in the world beyond’, Guardian, 18 February 2000
25. Martin Woollacott, ‘The policeman’s lot’, Guardian, 21 February 1998
26. ‘Reluctant cop’, Financial Times, 13 January 1997
27. Geoffrey Wheatcroft, ‘Send forth the best, ye breed’, New Statesman, 5 July 1999
28. Cited in Blum, Rogue state, p. 1
5 Israel: Siding with the aggressor
1. Cited in HRW, ‘Opportunism in the face of tragedy: Repression in the name of anti-terrorism’, undated, 2002, www.hrw.org
2. Transcript of interview to BBC Radio 4, 2 April 2002, www.britemb.org.il
3. HRW, ‘Jenin war crimes investigation needed’, 3 May 2002
4. Ben Bradshaw, evidence to Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC), 23 April 2002, para. 209, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200102
5. Transcript of interview with Jack Straw, Today programme, Radio 4, 29 April 2002, www.fco.gov.uk
6. Ben Bradshaw, evidence to FAC, 23 April 2002, para. 239, 245, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200102
7. BBC2 Newsnight, 15 May 2002; Foreign Office memorandum, October 2000, in FAC, minutes of evidence, session 1999–2000, 25 October 2000, para. 8, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900; Khader Shkirat, ‘Conspiracy of silence’, Guardian, 15 March 2002
8. Prime Minister’s statement on the Middle East, 10 April 2002, www.pm.gov.uk
9. Nicholas Watt, ‘Britain to push for “final” Middle East talks this year’, Guardian, 2 October 2002
10. FAC, minutes of evidence, session 1999–2000, 25 October 2000, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900, para. 22; Suzanne Goldenberg, ‘Sharon tries to destroy all traces of Arafat rule’, Guardian, 6 April 2002
11. ‘Fundraiser’s role as envoy under attack’, Guardian, 1 October 2001; ‘Israel faces rage over “massacre”’, Guardian, 17 April 2002
12. Ibid.; Ewen MacAskill, ‘Show Israelis more sympathy, urges Straw’, Guardian, 3 April 2002; Jack Straw, ‘First steps to Middle East peace’, www.fco.gov.uk
13. Israeli embassy press release, undated [November 2001], www.israel-embassy.org.uk
14. Ewen MacAskill, ‘Arafat is a disaster; but to blame him alone is perverse’, Guardian, 20 February 2002
15. Derek Fatchett, House of Commons, Hansard, 23 June 1998, Col. 957
16. ‘UK rift with Bush over Middle East’, Guardian, 21 June 2002; Parliamentary question answered by Jack Straw, 25 June 2002, www.fco.gov.uk
17. ‘UK’s forgotten arms exports to Israel’, CAAT newsletter, June 2001, www.caat.org.uk; House of Commons, Hansard, 16 May 2002, Col. 779; Amnon Barzilai, ‘UK tightening embargo on Israel’, Haaretz, 22 August 2002
18. ‘The UK’s role: A friend of Israel?’, CAAT newsletter, November 2001
19. ‘Modified tanks are used in raids’, Guardian, 13 March 2002; House of Commons, Hansard, 15 April 2002, Col. 723
20. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘UK equipment being used in Israeli attacks’, Guardian, 29 May 2002; ‘Straw provokes row over arms for Israel’, Guardian, 9 July 2002; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘MPs question “nuclear upgrade” of Israel’s Jaguar bomber’, Guardian, 24 April 2002
21. Response of the Secretaries of State for Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry, ‘Strategic export controls: Annual report for 1999 and parliamentary prior scrutiny’, Cm 5141, July 2001, para. f
22. British embassy, Tel Aviv, ‘Britain-Israel relations’, undated, www.britemb.org.il
23. Patricia Hewitt, speech to the annual dinner of the British–Israel chamber of commerce, 16 January 2002, www.dti.gov.uk; DTI, Trade partners UK, ‘Israel’, www.tradepartners.go.uk
24. Philo, Bad news from Israel: media coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, May 2001, www.gla.ac.uk
25. Robert Fisk, ‘When journalists refuse to tell the truth about Israel’, Independent, 17 April 2001
26. Robert Fisk, ‘The biased reporting that makes killing acceptable’, Independent, 14 November 2000; ‘When journalists forget that murder is murder’, Independent, 18 August 2001. Emphasis added
27. ‘The unblessed peacemaker’, Economist, 6 October 2001
6 Kosovo: Anti-humanitarian intervention
1. ‘Air attacks will be stepped up’, Guardian, 13 April 1999
2. ‘It is simply the right thing to do’, Guardian, 27 March 1999
3. FAC, Seventh report, session 1998/99, 20 July 1999, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/199899, para. 287; John Pilger, ‘Kosovo killing fields?’, New Statesman, 15 November 1999
4. See Eric Canepa, ‘Important internal documents from Germany’s Foreign Office regarding pre-bombardment genocide in Kosovo’, www.zmag.org; Edward Herman and David Peterson, ‘Kosovo one year later: From Serb repression to NATO-sponsored ethnic cleansing’, www.zmag.org; ‘In the beginning was the big lie’, www.iacenter.org/deichmann.htm
5. Response of the Foreign Secretary to FAC, Four
th report, Kosovo, Cm 4825, August 2000, para. 11; HRW, World Report 1999, ‘Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’, www.hrw.org.wr2k
6. Cited in Noam Chomsky, ‘In retrospect’, www.zmag.org
7. FAC, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, 23 May 2000, para. 89, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900; Chomsky, The new military humanism: Lessons from Kosovo, Pluto, London, 1999, pp. 86–7
8. FAC, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, paras. 87–8
9. Defence Committee, Fourteenth report, session 1999/2000, 23 October 2000, para. 299, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900
10. Guardian, 28 April 1999; ‘NATO’s tragic errors’, Observer, 4 April 1999
11. Cited in FAC, Seventh report, session 1998/99, paras. 108, 110
12. Chomsky, The new military humanism, pp. 201–1
13. Evidence 14 April 1999, FAC, Seventh report, session 1998/99, paras. 107, 153
14. FAC, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, para. 101
15. Edward Herman, ‘Body counts in imperial service’, www.zmag.org
16. ‘No choice but to act, says Solana’, Guardian, 24 March 1999; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘“No plans for ground war”’, Guardian, 24 March 1999
17. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘UK to send more troops’, Guardian, 14 April 1999; Chomsky, The new military humanism, p. 36
18. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Military chief’s doubts’, Guardian, 12 May 1999; Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Mystery Swede with Kremlin links who helped end war’, Guardian, 9 March 2000
19. House of Commons, Hansard, 23 March 1999, Col. 161; FAC, Seventh report, session 1998/99, para. 344
20. Tony Blair, ‘Doctrine of the international community’, 23 April 1999, www.pm.gov.uk
21. Chomsky, The new military humanism, p. 135
22. FAC, Fourth report, session 1999/2000, para. 136
23. HRW, ‘Civilian deaths in the NATO air campaign’, February 2000, www.hrw.org
24. Amnesty International, ‘NATO violations of the laws of war during Operation Allied Force must be investigated’, 7 June 2000, http//web.amnesty.org